A Collection of Boxcar Art on Objects Found Trackside
Within the folk arts world of railroading exists a niche community of pack trading. The railway equivalent of flotsam, things like spikes, bucket lids, lanterns, and glass bottles, become for the railroading creative a collection of canvases. Featured in PRONE TO WONDER is NEAR Zine’s Wooden Axle’s collection of trades, all personalized works by artists from the US, Canada and Mexico. Now 50 trades deep, Wooden Axle here with photographic excellence shows readers what could easily be the contents of a physical exhibition. Monikers take on a new, more personal character when placed on an antique flask instead of the side of a boxcar. Alongside these artworks, a trade typically includes company paraphernalia, photos, sticker, and “other railroad goodies.” Get yourself a copy of this zine, start walking some lines, and assemble your own trade today!
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Zine photography by William Smith