White Glove Test: Louisville Punk Flyers 1978–1994

Mike Bucayu, Stephen Driesler, Tim Furnish, John Kampschaefer, Douglas Maxson, Shawn Severs.


I should point out that this isn’t a zine, it’s a book, but its contents are something almost anyone interested in Louisville zine culture would appreciate. Meticulously pieced together from rare originals, sure to appeal to any fan of independent music in Louisville and beyond, White Glove Test uncovers a previously hidden history of prodigious do-it-yourself production, illustrating, much like with zines, a national phenomenon in microcosm and illuminating a vital style of pre-Internet social media.

Clipped, collaged, and photocopied, meticulously hand-painted and lettered, or designed on a glowing computer screen in the early days of desktop publishing, these flyers were outsider broadcasts stuck to phone poles and storefronts, a makeshift gallery installed with staple guns and wheat paste.

Purchase this book from Drag City

Purchase this book from Surface Noise

Book photographed by Lindsey Cummins

